Clear Skies, High Concentration of Fine Dust, 2019
Animated by the amateur scientists of youtube, the chem-trail freaks, and anyone who’s found a conspiracy theory is the only way to make sense of the world, this project stews at the intersections of military tech, conspiracy, and environmental harm. Dust, always fugitive, resists the regime of representation. Impact, affect, bodily incorporation, exposure, toxicity, and non-sovereignty reign. The tools for critique and the promise of visibility, and of measurement, fail us, though we have not yet abandoned them.
Clay iphones are etched with youtube conspiracy video stills and text from each video on the back.
“Dust that Fell From Sky under Microscope”
“Clear Skies, High Concentration of Fine Dust”
“Fugitive Dust”
“Claytronics, Smart Dust, and Utility Fog”
Fugitive Dust, 2020